The Coach Peggy Show - All Things Wellness™ with Peggy Willms: "Financial Wellness Includes Getting a Financial Advisor” Guest Nick Stuller

The Coach Peggy Show - All Things Wellness™ with Peggy Willms: "Financial Wellness Includes Getting a Financial Advisor” Guest Nick Stuller

  12/01/2020  03:00 pm PST

The Coach Peggy Show - All Things Wellness™ with Peggy Willms: "Financial Wellness Includes Getting a Financial Advisor” Guest Nick StullerMany of us have feelings and history surrounding MONEY. Perhaps you feel guilty to admit you have no savings or maybe you have withdrawn all of your 401k. Perhaps you have no idea how to take a first step in investing. Or it is damn straight confusing as hell. My guest: Nick Stuller is going to baby step us through our Money Madness.

He will share how most investors and consumers (they are different) do not realize that everyone can get and afford a financial advisor regardless of wealth level. EVEN now when we are strapped with a pandemic. From Billionaire, to literally at the poverty level, everyone can and should get a financial advisor. Advisors add substantive value to a person’s financial wellness journey.


Do not miss this episode when we talk about something we all feel we need more of these days. MONEY.


Peggy Willms Host of  All Things Wellness on Transformation Talk Radio

Peggy Willms

The Coach Peggy Show with Peggy Willms: All Things Wellness™ We talk to REAL people about REAL problems, discover REAL solutions producing REAL results, and ultimately...

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 Nick  Stuller

Nick Stuller

Nicholas W. Stuller is the Founder & CEO of www.MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor.com, the premier matchmaker between investors and financial advisors. Nick is a 30-year veteran...

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