The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom: Putting Joy on Autopilot

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom: Putting Joy on Autopilot

  03/04/2024  10:00 am PDT

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, & Practical Wisdom: Putting Joy on AutopilotWho wants more joy in your life?  It sounds great, doesn't it?  But it's not easy to capture joy, let alone keep it going for any length of time. 

Feeling fear is way easier to manage.  Most of us have some type of fear program running on autopilot in the background at all times.  We're not even conscious of how many times fear-based thoughts run through our minds in any given day.

What if there was a way to take fear off autopilot and use it more selectively?  Perhaps that would free up space to feel more joy, gratitude, peace, serenity. Could we have joy on autopilot instead?  It takes work.

In this episode, Anahata explores the mulitude of options and choices we can make to shift ourselves away from the fear-based emotions and energy that keep us locked in fight or flight responses.  As usual, Anahata ends with recommending a stone or two that can help support your intention.


the crystal coach show with anahata

Anahata Roach

The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, and Practical WisdomEvery 3rd Monday  10am PT / 1pm ET   Are you facing challenges that leave you feeling...

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