The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #7 Your Dreams are trying to guide you — are you listening?

The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #7 Your Dreams are trying to guide you — are you listening?

  06/18/2019  12:00 pm PDT

The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #7 Your Dreams are trying to guide you — are you listening?I'm not kidding when I say that I value my dreamspace as MUCH as I value my waking life.

I have had some of the most impactful and potent guidance, Activations, healings, and communications with my Soul and what I call my Cosmic Team (my guides) in my Dreams. And as soon as my clients dive into this work, shifting their Archetypal Patterning and their Energetics --- their Dreams open up for them, too.

I'm sharing some stories, insights, principles and tips for you to start opening up to YOUR Dreamspace guidance and healing --- even if you think you don't Dream.

Listen in, and start getting MORE of the information that's trying to get to you. 

Episode giveaways:

  • Grab your FREE workbook to dive in deeper with your Dreams —— both your sleeping Dreams AND your waking ones: http://www.heather-allison.com/free-series
  • Send me an email to enter to win a FREE month of the Goddess Activation Membership! Just mention the podcast to be eligible. :)


Heather Allison

Heather Allison

Heather Allison is the Divine Feminine Channel, Shamanic Guide and Sacred Energetics Coach for Divine Feminine lovers, leaders and Mystics (and for any woman who can feel He...

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