The Jenn Royster Show: Archangel Haniel: Intuition and Moon Energy

The Jenn Royster Show: Archangel Haniel: Intuition and Moon Energy

  01/25/2018  08:00 am PDT

The Jenn Royster Show: Archangel Haniel: Intuition and Moon Energy

Archangel Haniel is known as the angel associated with moon energy and intuition. Haniel brings support when we are going through a spiritual awakening, releasing old energies, discovering our intuitive abilities and healing from within.
Spiritual awakening brings great change to our lives to process. Some people feel moon energy more than others as it cycles through phases. Especially full moons.
This Jan 31st delivers a rare and potent Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse. Tune in and discover how Archangel Haniel can support you through the moon energy for positive change.


dr jenn royster on transformation talk radio

Dr. Jenn Royster

Thursdays at 8 am PT  11  am  ET The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuiti...

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