The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond: Trusting Your Gut and Keeping Great Energy Habits!

The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond: Trusting Your Gut and Keeping Great Energy Habits!

  08/20/2015  01:00 pm PDT

The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond: Trusting Your Gut and Keeping Great Energy Habits!How many times in your life has someone given you the advice of “Always Trust Your Gut?” Do you ever get that nagging feeling deep in your belly, nudging you to do something, say something, or to follow your instinct? Well of course you do, we all have intuition and today’s show is going to help you to learn to fine tune it and honor those amazing vibes! We’ll explore the topics of: how to listen to your intuition, trusting your gut, what to be aware of when your instincts are calling you, and creating great energy habits to keep you in tip-top shape and able to listen clearly to those beautiful instincts. Kelly will also take callers at the midway point of our show to do mini readings. Please call in at 1-800-930-2819, Kelly will try to reach as many people as possible with messages!