The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 12: How to be a ‘Boundary Badass’ for Breast Health with Dana Theriault

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 12: How to be a ‘Boundary Badass’ for Breast Health with Dana Theriault

  03/27/2020  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 12: How to be a ‘Boundary Badass’ for Breast Health with Dana TheriaultBoundaries for Breast Health? Yes! Breasts offer nourishment and represent nurturance. Balance is essential to giving and receiving in harmony for breast health, mental health, and nurturance in relationships. This requires boundary excellence. Being a “Boundary Badass’ matters more than ever when in isolation by force with socially distancing and virtual connecting. We are all powerless in this pandemic absent the freedom to physically connect and ‘hug it out’. We may not be able to control the behavior of the corona virus gone wild but we can prevent communication gone wrong with best boundary practices to prevent further injury.


TUNE IN to receive your FREE GIFT.  In this episode you will:

• Articulate what you are and are not available for to yourself and to others

• Appreciate the power of the ‘Three Sisters’ and how they support your authority

• Learn how boundaries benefit health and what you are really saying “YES” to!

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the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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Dana Theriault

Dana Theriault

More than 'in remission', Dana is all about being on purpose beyond breast cancer to remember her mission: To inspire women and growing girls in their personal leadership t...

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 Nancy Levine

Nancy Levine

Nancy Levin is a Master Coach and bestselling author of several books including her latest, Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free. Formerly the Event Director at Hay House fo...

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