The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Claim your Authority.  Call into the show. 1800-930-2819

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Claim your Authority. Call into the show. 1800-930-2819

  07/05/2018  10:00 am PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy: Claim your Authority.  Call into the show. 1800-930-2819I change people’s lives by helping them become the authority of their own lives. If you are not the authority somebody else is. In this evolutionary time you are in, you may be feeling insecure about shining your light, about speaking your truth, and standing up for yourself as being good enough. Maybe there is someone in your life that is triggering in you a low self-worth which is giving you the opportunity to bring your truth to bring I AM worthy into your reality. Now is the time for you to become aware of this old karmic wound and clear this pattern today. This upcoming time period your soul is inviting you to align deeper with the desires of your heart and pursue what it is that really lights you up. Give yourself this time to unveil, reveal, discover what's underneath all the busyness of your life that has been kept hidden away for just this perfect time.  Self Care is more important than ever.

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  • Receive Free- the “7day Self Love Series” with daily mp3 recordings to listen to send an email to radio@korneliastephanie.com, subject line "I AM love." Give us permission to add you onto our newsletter list. Go to Kornelia Stephanie.com


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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