The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends

  02/07/2025  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Stories That Inspire Hope with Kornelia Stephanie and FriendsStruggles, failures, and wins. Now more than ever, we need stories that inspire hope. The stories you share with your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and customers demonstrate how your life experiences have made a difference. Sharing stories brings people together. In this episode, our aim is to inspire listeners by showing that all life experiences, including struggles, failures, and past pains, can lead to victories and often happy endings. No matter what challenges you are facing, sharing your stories can help others heal, inspire perseverance, and encourage finding creative ways to turn life into a joyous story with many chapters of triumph.


Watch: https://youtu.be/PU6u0UrcjIE 

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