The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan - Episode 1
07/28/2021 05:00 am PDT
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan How would you handle it?
1.05 - what inspired this podcast
1.18 - thoughts about current events and reality of the world we live in
2.30 - we are our own mastery...we are co-creators in alignment with our core value of freedom
3.20 - digging for truth
6.37 - Fight or flight mode stops you healing it will make you sick
7.30 - there are two sides to every story
8.12 - empowerment
8.40 - sharing our beliefs about truth and freedom
9.10 - this discussion is to educate and open up
10.20 - self realization and self action
10.37 - what it means to be a self realized person
11.55 - own your power and truth
12.15 - a belief can be changed...a knowing cannot
14.00 - what does Black lives Matter really mean?
15.07 - QUOTE " A mind man once stretched will never reach it's original dimensions"
17.39 - TRUTH BOMB! Even in Spirituality there is Hijacking!
18.49 - QUOTE fro BUDDHA..." Do not believe anything from God or Angels. Believe it only if you have explored it" TOPIC... Define what things mean
21.10 - TRUTH BOMB! ..What does the word Conspiracy mean?
23.48 - Jesus was called a conspiracy theorist
25.30 - Our Mission is from a place of love
27.40 - SPIRITUAL BYPASSING....what it means
29.29 - Feel to Heal
34.00 - Are you willing to break down and feel all humanity?
35.15 - walk through the darkness to find the's a process until you reach a higher vibration
36.17 - Empath...feel it all...everyone else's trauma
37.10 - Heal the core wound of suicide....Need Help? Call Kornelia for support..3612 941 5783
39.30 - PEACE....Kornelia's book
41.20 - What are you projecting out?
42.00 - we are not about dividing we are about unity
43.34 - let's talk about the 'V'...personal belief...personal decision
48.28 - everything mutates.....the virus and our immune systems
49.36 - The body has the ability to self heal
51.09 - the reason natural healers are being taken off the market NEXT EPISODE 22ND JULY......get in touch if you want to be part of the panel
Kornelia Stephanie
The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...
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Dr. Brook Sheehan
The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: Are You Listening? With passion and love, Dr. Brook teaches you how to carry on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist- ...
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