the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Wanting More than the Status Quo

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Wanting More than the Status Quo

  07/16/2021  12:30 pm PDT

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change: Wanting More than the Status QuoThis week’’s show continues with the discussion from our last show, the concept of independence and exploring beyond the surface of what we know or thought to be true.

Questioning how and why we celebrate, can be extended to exploring how we create and how we live.

Are we living under belief systems, structures and social norms, because that’s “the way it’s always been?’ 

Is there something more we seek for ourselves? Whether that's more meaning, more purpose, more happiness, or more fulfillment?  And if so, however we define "more" relative to our own life, are we doing anything about it? 

We are here on the SHIFT podcast to have the conversations that inspire and ignite our individual and collective expansion.  

On this new episode, we’ll talk about:

  • Shifting our perspective - being ok with seeking more, wanting more, wanting to understand more
  • Uncovering and understanding what it is that is fuelling the desire for more 
  • How understanding ourselves in this way opens us up to exploring areas we want to improve or change and helps bring clarity to the path of our self-actualization
  • How this process expands our consciousness, bridges connection with self and ultimately strengthens our connection to others 
  • Some helpful steps you can apply in your own self-inquiry of seeking more, to be and feel more empowered in making the choice to create a life more in alignment with self.

Real change begins and ends with us individually. When we take the steps to seek more, expand and consciously create in this way individually, we also expand on a collective level. We have the ability and everything we need inside of us to create our own lives that are aligned with who we came here to be. 

A better and more peaceful world begins with creating that first inside of ourselves.  

The SHIFT starts now!


Trish Campbell

Trish Campbell

the SHIFT Podcast with Trish Campbell & Diane McClay: Perspective & Our Power to Change How can we broaden our view beyond our own individual realities? Are we acti...

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