The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: Ageless Beauty, Vitality, and Wellbeing with Sedena Cappannelli

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: Ageless Beauty, Vitality, and Wellbeing with Sedena Cappannelli

  05/05/2021  06:00 pm PDT

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life: Ageless Beauty, Vitality, and Wellbeing with Sedena CappannelliI had the distinc priviledge to fill in for Dr. Pat and was joined by the amazing Sedena Cappannelli.Co-founder of Age Nation, Empower New Mexico, and and award-winning author, LifeWellness and Oganizational Consultant, retreat facilitator, Ageless Living Coach, Co-producer, presenter Ageless Living Television Series for PBS, Sedena shares with us a strong message of how to find Ageless Beauty, Vitality, and Wellbeing at any age!


Stephanie James

Stephanie James

The Spark with Stephanie James: Igniting Your Best Life   As a psychotherapist, transformational life coach, presenter, radio show and podcast host, author, and filmm...

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 Sedena Cappannelli

Sedena Cappannelli

Sedena Cappannelli is the co-founder and President of 'About Life, Inc,' a company she created to bring personal empowerment and innovative wellness programs to woman around...

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