The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Leaving Your Old Spiritual Teachings Behind And Embracing The New With Guest Selena Moon

The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Leaving Your Old Spiritual Teachings Behind And Embracing The New With Guest Selena Moon

  10/02/2018  08:00 am PDT

The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Leaving Your Old Spiritual Teachings Behind And Embracing The New With Guest Selena MoonIt is no secret we are now entering a new way of being and living. With that we need to let go of many of our old teachings and embrace the new that is waiting for us! This can be difficult as we have all been conditioned to use old mantra's affirmations and meditations. So many will say that can not happen. Well tell that to the typewriter repair man who said we would never lose the typewriter, he lost his job! Your body is changing on many levels and layers and it is time to prepare for the new connect directly to God, Universe and embrace the new waiting for you on the other side! Join me with as I take a journey into the new possibilities with my incredible guest Selena and learn how you can make incredible break throughs in your life now!

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  • Join our newsletter and receive an incredible Fully 18 Minute Body Clean Out Called Cleaning UP the WEEDS! http://www.tracylclark.com Plus in the spirit of thanksgiving if you direct message me on facebook or instagram by October 10th you can receive 75.oo off our incredible transformational weekend!


Tracy L Clark host on transformation talk radio

Rev. Tracy L Clark

The Tracy L Clark Show - Unleash The Superhuman Within with Rev. T Helping you make the difficult choices required in order to create the life you desire!Are you tired of b...

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 Selena Moon

Selena Moon

Selena's passion to teach and empower others comes from living a life of feeling isolated, out-casted, dis-empowered and misunderstood. Since overcoming the trials and tri...

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