The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: It's not woo-woo, it's true-true! With The Everyday Medium -  Jamie Butler

The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: It's not woo-woo, it's true-true! With The Everyday Medium - Jamie Butler

  06/26/2019  08:00 am PDT

jamie butler guest of colette marie stefan of the truth is funny ...... shift happens!Jamie is normalizing the power of intuition and the use of energy to help heal. She is headed to Akashic Ranch June 27, 29 to share three different energy healing modalities, polarity, energy field balancing and crystal healing. Jamie’ style of teaching is hands on, so come ready to participate!

You will learn hands on techniques for specific ailments and imbalances, discover the uses of positive and negative energy currents in the body, how to find imbalances and how to crystal grid.

Jamie will be at the Akashic Ranch™ in Kamloops June 27-29. More info on the weekend: http://www.akashicranch.com/jamie-butler-weekend-june-27-29-2019.html


colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

**The Truth is Funny - **Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector **Nuggets of Wizdom from The Vector! Join Colette as she shares nuggets of wizdom from her book,...

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 Jamie Butler

Jamie Butler

Jamie Butler is a natural born Medium, Wholeness Expert, Teacher, Lecturer, Mom, and Host of The Lighter Side Show where she encourages learning truths through humor while l...

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