Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Tails From The Vector - Three Energetic Upgrades Guaranteed To Inspire Your Authentic Desires & Ensure Success!

Tails From the Vector with Colette Marie Stefan: Tails From The Vector - Three Energetic Upgrades Guaranteed To Inspire Your Authentic Desires & Ensure Success!

  01/01/2020  08:00 am PDT

tails from the vector with colette marie stefan - the queen of shift!Are you tired of marching through life? Ready to connect with your soul’s purpose and shift your life into better? It is time to answer the Call To Dance!

Join Colette, the Queen of Shift, as she identifies and eliminates hidden energetic blocks prohibiting you from excelling in your relationships, career, fitness, youthfulness and finances. Health is a given, once you get out of your own way! The truth Is Funny! Shift happens! And the problem is NEVER what you think it is! We love to hear from you!

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Colette will share 3 cards during the show:

Affirmation from Layer One Coloring. Book ManuaI - 

have a clear concise image of my heart's desires and effortlessly take consistent steps of action in my everyday goals in alignment with my path. It is natural for me to breathe life into my goals and perseverance, seeing them through to the end with minimal effort. I easily release my limiting perceptions from past, present and future success or failure.


colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

**The Truth is Funny - **Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector **Nuggets of Wizdom from The Vector! Join Colette as she shares nuggets of wizdom from her book,...

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