Three Things I've Learned with Susan Dolci: Sharing the Stories That Shift Our Souls: Support for the School Year: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Cheryl Blackington

Three Things I've Learned with Susan Dolci: Sharing the Stories That Shift Our Souls: Support for the School Year: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Cheryl Blackington

  08/18/2020  12:00 pm PDT

Three Things I've Learned with Susan Dolci: Sharing the Stories That Shift Our Souls: Support for the School Year: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Cheryl BlackingtonEach August, teachers, parents, and students anxiously await the beginning of a new school year. It is a time of new beginnings; of learning new things and making new friends—as well as facing new challenges. We look forward to seeing our friends again and returning to a predictable schedule. 


This year, however, we can add the fear of the unknown to this already rich stew. In times like these practicing mindfulness and mindful self-compassion is very helpful. By practicing these skills, we can see our worries more objectively, gain a better understanding of how we can take care of ourselves, and choose to focus on what is within our control during a national health crisis that’s changing day by day.


Join Susan and her special guest, Cheryl Blackington, Certified Mindfulness Instructor, as they discuss the value of mindfulness and self-compassion in times of uncertainty as well as how to create a compassionate weekly schedule for you and your family.

Episode giveaways:

  • One Free Youth Mindfulness Class


Susan Dolci

Susan Dolci

The Awakened Parent Project with Susan Dolci: Conscious Conversations, Empowered Parenting The Awakened Parent Project helps us to become more compassionate and engaged pa...

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 Cheryl  Blackington M.A.

Cheryl Blackington M.A.

Cheryl has been teaching mindfulness, mindful self compassion, and mindful parenting for the past 9 years. She has completed training and is certified for numerous programs:...

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