Truth Talk Radio with Host Deb Acker - guiding you to your true you!: Heading Into the New Year: Creating a Good Year

Truth Talk Radio with Host Deb Acker - guiding you to your true you!: Heading Into the New Year: Creating a Good Year

  01/04/2017  03:00 pm PDT

The start of the New Year can be a lot of pressure to create a good year. But, what if every year was good, and it was just a matter of looking at it from a different perspective? In today's episode, Deb will shine her light on how to create and reframe each year to be a good one, no matter what's occurring.


Deb Acker

Deb Acker

Truth Talk Radio, hosted by Deborah Acker, is a bi-monthly radio show that illuminates truth to a wide range of topics including love, life purpose, career and consciou...

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