We Carry the Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison: Super Woman's Guide with Jaime Kulaga Ph.D.

We Carry the Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison: Super Woman's Guide with Jaime Kulaga Ph.D.

  09/24/2015  10:00 am PDT

We Carry the Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison: Super Woman's Guide with Jaime Kulaga Ph.D.What woman today doesn't feel over-worked, over-tired, stressed-out and pushed to her limit? We all feel we aren't DOING ENOUGH, we don't have enough time and we are lost to ourselves, awash in commitments that never allow for our own moments of self-care, personal enjoyment and individual reward. As Dr. Jaime Kulaga puts it, "We are on the Ferris Wheel that keeps us stuck going round and round." On today's show, let Jaime Kulaga help you discover how to achieve balance between life and work and feel more personally fulfilled. She will share the steps and strategies to get your life back on track. Specifically, Jaime will help you prioritize your life roles, learn to say "no" and take care of yourself without feeling guilty. Let Jaime help you fulfill your own bucket list now and not wait; let her help you find super fulfillment as a super woman!   


Dr. Susan Allison

Dr. Susan Allison

We Carry The Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison We Carry the Light, "Inspiration for Transformation," is the show that inspires you to find the light within, the highest of y...

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Dr. Jaime Kulaga

Dr. Jaime Kulaga

Dr. Jaime Kulaga is a licensed mental health      counselor,certified professional coach, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur. She is afreq...

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