Webcam Confidence for Women: Helping women in business R.I.S.E.: How Do I Look?  Tips for Looking Your “Virtual Best”!

Webcam Confidence for Women: Helping women in business R.I.S.E.: How Do I Look? Tips for Looking Your “Virtual Best”!

  03/05/2021  12:00 pm PDT

Webcam Confidence for Women: Helping women in business R.I.S.E.: How Do I Look?  Tips for Looking Your “Virtual Best”!Use of video in business is here to stay. Whatever the future holds in health, science, academia, interpersonal engagement or intergalactic exchange, video screens will be involved. In this episode of Webcam Confidence for Women, co-hosts Susan Axelrod and Pam Sullivan call it like it is and ask you an all-important question. How do you feel you look on video when you see yourself on the screen?


When you use video, live-streaming, webinars, Zoom meetings, Facetime, GoogleMeet or other platforms to get your work done, even if it’s only for internal meetings, you need to know how your appearance can affect your confidence, and whether or not others see you as professional. You might be unknowingly sabotaging your chances at a great connection with your audience, this is the only opportunity to make a good impression. Join Susan and Pam as they offer real-talk about looking your Virtual Best!


Susan Axelrod

Susan Axelrod

The Legacy Show with Susan Axelrod.  Susan Invites you to step into the Confidence Zone and leave your legacy. With the most provocative podcasts around—How to us...

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Pam Sullivan

Pam Sullivan

Webcam Confidence for Women: Helping Women in Business R.I.S.E.with Susan Axelrod and Pam Sullivan Fun, Fiery and Fierce, Host Confidence Coach Susan Axelrod and Co-Host On...

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