
Guest Profile

Dannion Brinkley

Dannion Brinkley is the New York Times best selling author of Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light. His latest literary classic, co-authored with his wife, Kathryn Brinkley, is entitled, The Secrets of the Light: Lessons from Heaven.

After being struck in the side of the head by a bolt of lightning in 1975, Dannion found himself traveling down a tunnel and into a brilliant Light. There he witnessed a panoramic review of his entire life on Earth. Then, after being given over one hundred visions of the future, by 13 Beings of Light, Dannion was returned to his body.

Today, he is revered as 'one of the greatest orators of our time' offering a message of great hope and courage to audiences worldwide. His message is timely, true and beautifully simple: There is no such thing as death
