
Guest Profile

Diane Givens

Emmy Award-winning art director, musician, artist and author Diane Givens brings 49 of her paintings, 7 Chakra Angels and wisdom from years of conducting Salons into the Energy Attunement Deck & Mystic Tapestry. “I went to heaven and Seven Angels brought me back into my body, chakra by chakra, came onto my canvas and into this deck. They continue to guide my journey sharing Joy!”


Diane was born dying, not expected to live time and time again, terminal. She's moved beyond survival by now, following 40 surgeries. At one point, while she was being prepared for last rites,
her Mother ran from the hospital, with me in her arms telling the nuns emphatically,
“I don’t have time to pray - I’ve got a baby to save!”

With the loving help of her amazing naturopath, teams of doctors, nurses, friends, family
and her favorite and only brother Danny, she came to appreciate the now moment, the one she had.
And of course with the help of her Mom’s prayers and her own, she just kept on living.


