
Guest Profile

Edward Tick Ph.D.

Edward Tick, Ph.D.,

Prolific author, psychotherapist, educator, international activist and journey leader, Ed Tick, PhD is honored for his forty years of pioneering work healing the invisible wounds of war and violent trauma. He was Co-founder/Director of the non-profit Soldiers Heart, Inc. for 13 years and continues to support war-healing internationally. He is the Pentagon-appointed subject matter expert on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Moral Injury. In addition to his forthcoming title Soul Medicine: Healing Through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles and Pilgrimages (Healing Arts Press | Inner Traditions, 2023), Ed has authored four nonfiction books including the groundbreaking War and the Soul and Warriors Return, and two books of poetry. His works have been translated or are being translated into Ukrainian, Greek, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Japanese, and Italian. Ed guides war and trauma survivors to achieve healing, meaning, reconciliation and friendship. His work is devoted to healing from millenniums of collective trauma and restoring soul and spirit in our modern world.


