
Guest Profile

Jill Beverlin

Coaching has been a true lifeline for Jill and became an invaluable tool for moving forward following the death of her youngest son in 2013. She views coaching as a gift that offers a safe space for individuals to talk through what it means to live into their identity as beloved of God, gifted by God and invited by God into God’s work of loving and healing the world. 

Jill holds certifications in these coaching specialty areas: grief & loss, stewardship, spiritual disciplines, and mission development & congregational vitality. She is also experienced in team/group coaching and coaching around community engagement.  She feels blessed that this equipping and experience is channeled as she serves in the role of Program Manager of Coaching Ministries for the ELCA. 

Jill lives in Appleton, WI, with her husband Dave and near their adult son, Andy. She loves her family, friends, and faith community!  And when she is not coaching, she enjoys being out in nature - particularly running, hiking, & kayaking.
