
Guest Profile

Karen Dorland

Karen has had the privilege of walking many life paths thus far. She started teaching elementary school in Timmins in the 70’s and when her three sons were young, she and her family moved to southern Ontario. After 13 years at home being a full time Mother, she went back to teaching in Holland Landing for 24 years and retired from teaching in 2013.

 During her last 3 years of teaching, Karen taught children with Autism and this led her to become a Reiki Healing Master, as she witnessed the profound effect Reiki had on her students. 

A passion of Karen’s has been fashion and style and in 2006, she created an Image Consulting business and guided women privately and in group workshops, on how to dress for their personality, style, colour and… their goals. After 15 years and a move farther north, Karen closed her image business to work full time as a Reiki Master and you will find her in Northern Ontario building her community of Reiki and healing.

A constant in Karen’s life has been her journaling. Journaling has been her companion for over 50 years. She has led workshops on journaling, creating vision boards, meditating and manifesting.

Karen knows that where your words and thoughts flow, energy grows and her intention is to bring awareness to those she meets, of the importance of self-love; to then expand to a world of love, peace and acceptance.

Karen is excitedly working on creating online classes to share with the world on Our Chakra System and how we can use them to heal.

She is also combining her Style expertise along with Reiki, EFT and Chakras to bring out a class called Chakra Chic! So much is inter-related with our beliefs, self-confidence, self-worth and self -love. Karen is passionate about having every woman LOVE who they see in the mirror. Once we can love ourself, THEN we have enough to love others.


Sign up for her newsletter to be the first to know about upcoming Fall surprises… such as a membership in the making, classes on Image and Style and Karen’s work of love… an online course called Set Your GPs to Love! This will incorporate attracting love into your life through tapping, image, journaling, visioning and more.
