
Guest Profile

Kelley Harrell

Kelley Harrell, is an author, columnist, and neoshaman living in North Carolina. She has written two books on practical modern animism--Gift of the Dreamtime: Awakening to the Divinity of Trauma, and Real Wyrd A Modern Shamans Roots in the Middle World. 
Kelley is a lifelong intuitive, has been on a shamanic path since 1998, and since 2000, shes worked with a local and international client base. She is a Reiki Master, and an ordained interfaith minister, and she honors the path of the modern Druid. Kelley is an animist, author, deathwalker, and death doula held and tended by Tuscarora, Woccon, and Sissipihaw land. For the last 25 years, through Soul Intent Arts she has helped others ethically build thriving spiritual paths. Her work is Nature-based, and centers soul tending through the Elder Futhark runes oracle, animism, ancestral tending, and deathwork. She hosts the podcast, What in the Wyrd, and also writes The Weekly Rune as a celebration of the Elder Futhark in season. Work with her in her community Runes for Change or her soul tending training intensive, The Spirited Path.
