
Guest Profile

Kelly McNelis

Kelly McNelis Senegor is the Founder of Women For One, a global movement of authenticity and inspiration. She has interviewed many powerful and spiritual thinkers of our time, and regularly speaks to them on her radio show, The Global Sisterhood. Kelly founded Women For One so that women throughout the entire world have a place to create authentic dialogue and be inspired to take action in their lives. Currently the website and movement has reached more than 7 million people in over fifty countries in only its second year of existence.

Over the past twenty years Kelly has worked in the field of organizational development, group facilitation, and training. She is also a graduate of the Northwest School of Healing and is a Reiki Master. Kelly believes that we all have an inner voice guiding our intentions and manifestations, and she speaks entirely from that place of truth. Currently she travels the world as a speaker, teacher, and facilitator of workshops on the benefits of truthtelling, authenticity and personal empowerment.

She lives near Seattle with her husband and children and is currently writing her first book.
