
Guest Profile

L. Carol Scott

She thought she’d be a shrink, or a professor who trained shrinks. But life

said, “No, go this way....” And right now, we ALL need “that way” urgently.


As a 2018 TEDx speaker and author, Dr. L. Carol Scott is a coach,

trainer, and keynoter who teaches that relationships are at the

heart of all our success. Clients with growth goals turn to Carol for

unexpected strategies to expand success through better relationships.


The surprise in Carol’s Self-Aware Success Strategies is their origin in her

first career of early care and education. With a BA in Child Development,

a BA in Anthropology, an MA in Early Childhood Education, and a PhD in

Developmental Psychology, Carol appears to be an unlikely success

coach, especially in a corporate world.


Yet, that early learning career is now the foundation for her astonishing

second act.


The point of pivot was when Carol ran head-long into her own past.

Working with a shrink, rather than being one, she faced her “score” of

7 from a list of 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences. Most kids don’t

survive that kind of childhood intact.


The intersections of her personal recovery and her expertise in early

brain development resulted in Carol’s unique model to revolutionize

success through relationships—from your business network, to

your family, and even to your love life. Today, as interpersonal and

cultural divides seem to grow ever deeper, Dr. Scott offers a bridge back

to sanity.


Carol’s first book, Just Be Your S.E.L.F.--Your Guide to Improving Any

Relationship, provides the basic framework and specific tools. Powerful

Development Do-Overs empower clients to clearly see and then release

relationship struggles that limit success. Finally attaining their birthright

of seven capacities meant to develop in our first seven years of life,

Carol’s clients embrace greater success through stronger, more

self-aware relationships.
