
Guest Profile

Lorri Brewer

Lorri Brewer is a daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. She is also a successful business woman, esteemed and appreciated by both her peers and clients for her strong moral compass and work ethic, integrity and professionalism.

Lorri Brewer is also a dynamic Edmonton keynote speaker who delivers a uniquely inspiring and motivational message. On September 19th, 2010, Lorri crossed over from this life to the afterlife and then returned with incredible knowledge and insights which she now courageously shares with all of us in her book, Heaven Time.

Her amazing story and inspired reflections have already caught the attention of the CBC radio talk show The Current, with host Anna Maria Tremonti You can listen to that interview with Lorri Brewer on Lorri's website, the International Association for Near-Death Studies IANDS, and the Near Death Experience Research Foundation NDERF.

With her experience as a Competent Toastmaster, Lorri has created a series of motivational presentations in which she shares her life-altering experience and encourages others to discover for themselves the meaning of life and death.

She is also working on her second book. When she's not working or writing, Lorri enjoys sharing a simple, quiet life with her husband Larry, her son A.J. and a treasured circle of family and friends in beautiful Edmonton Alberta Canada.
