
Guest Profile

Marc Bregman

Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster
Marc Bregman is the founder of Archetypal Dreamwork and the co-founder/co-director of North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork. In practice since 1973, Marc is the author of Deep Well Tapes, The Secret of the Pomegranate and co-author of Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio. He has been teaching and presenting workshops since 1992 and retreats at The North of Eden Retreat Center in 2004.

Marc has a BA in Religion from the University of Vermont and an MA in Special Education from Johnson State College. Marc worked as a social worker and postal worker before becoming a full-time therapist.

Christa Lancasteris the co-founder/co-director of North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork. In practice since 1991, Christa is the co-author of Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio, which includes her spiritual memoir Vessel. She has been teaching, presenting workshops and working with groups since 1992 and retreats since the opening of The North of Eden Retreat Center in 2004.

Christa is certified through the New England Art Therapy Institute and studied with Pathwork Vermont for five years. She has a BA in Art History from Barnard College. Her years of experience working with groups underlie the NOE Retreat process.

North of Eden, founded in 2004, is the organization dedicated to Archetypal Dreamwork. We offer:

One-on-One Therapy. The heart of this work is the intimate one-on-one process of a dreamer and a dreamwork therapist. One way for people to get started is to send in a dream to our Submit a Dream Program on our website to have an experience of how we work with dreams.

The North of Eden Retreat Center
We hold intensive 5-day Archetypal Dreamwork Retreats at our Retreat Center in northern Vermont on Norris Mountain 4-5 times a year, led by trained therapists/teachers. We use our unique String Therapy to work with dreams in small groups. In String Therapy, a cluster of dreams from a dreamer is enacted, led by experienced teachers, in order to open the deeper teachings of the dream. Anything in the dream is open to being enacteda person, an object, a feeling, an unseen voice, a belief held by the dreamer, a tornado, the car the dreamer is driving.

Working with dreams in this way offers an immediate, visceral, and often surprising experience of ourselves, revealing the truth of our present experience and pointing the way toward who we can become.

The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork. The Center offers programs and classes for those interested in Archetypal Dreamwork and those interested in becoming Archetypal Dreamwork Therapists.

North of Eden Press
The NOE Press is dedicated to publishing books and other creative outlets about the dreamwork and also inspired by the dreamwork. We have published books about the work by Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster, a book of poetry by Karla Van Vliet and are about to release a fantasy book in the tradition of The Lord of the Rings books by Seth Mullins and a spiritual memoir by Bob Murray. The press also publishes an online literary and arts journal called deLuge.
