
Guest Profile

Mary Anne Costerella MS

Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC is an Integrative Psychotherapist, Spiritual Scientist, and the owner of YOUR Birthday is MY Business. 

A licensed Psychotherapist and Metaphysician, Mary Anne decodes the 'Secret Language of Birthdays' interpreting the Astrology, Numerology, Cardology and Personology connected with each client's date of birth.  She weaves the ancient wisdoms of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Carl Jung and Jesus Christ with contemporary psychologies to energetically understand the Language of the Soul and help guide clients to understand themselves from 'the inside out.'

Mary Anne believes it is imperative to understand the Soul's Curriculum created before incarnation.  Soul is camouflaged in the name and birthdate of every human 

being...NOMEN EST OMEN..(Latin)...the Name and the Date of Birth is the Destiny!
