
Guest Profile

Mei Lia Storelee

I am 40 years old I am a mom. Mike is my uncle and I have been working for him for the last 4 1/2 years. I also work with people getting clean and sober and transitioning back in to life after being incarcerated. I am passionate about being of service to other addicts and alcoholics seeking recovery and believe in the saying "the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel". This past year my partner and I opened JMS Recovery Homes, LLC where we help men getting out of treatment facilities and help them transition to living successful lives. We plan on opening a 2nd home this year. I also play a lot of softball and am very involved in the recovery community in the bay area. I have recently started a new recovery meeting in Oakland and am the Chairperson for the Hospitals and Institutions Committee which brings meetings to addicts who are unable to get to regular meetings. 
