
Guest Profile

Michael Overlie

Michael Overlie is a Tenchi Flow Healer, Canine-Partnered Men’s Coach, Author, Podcaster and lifelong dog fanatic. He has had a gift of connecting with animals since he was a small child. Dogs have been with him most of his life, giving him gifts and teaching him lessons. His greatest breakthrough was after the death of his brother. While grieving this loss, he was fully awakened to his own potential and the gifts our animals bring to our lives.

Now he helps other men awaken to the gifts available to them from their dogs. He has dedicated himself to assisting men and their dogs discover their path to living a life of love, purpose, and being extraordinary.

From helping save lives in a trauma center to doing energy healing work with people and animals, Michael’s love for life shines through. He has trained in multiple energy healing modalities and infuses spiritual energy into everything he teaches, providing a safe space for healing and growth to occur. He knows what your dog is trying to show you, teach you. Come join him on a powerful expedition of finding you, remembering who you are.
