
Guest Profile

RIchard Grossinger

Richard Grossinger is the curator of Sacred Planet Books, a member of the Inner Traditions editorial board, the founder and former publisher of North Atlantic Books, and a founding copublisher of Io, a seminal interdisciplinary literary journal that ran from 1964–1993. He attended Amherst College and completed a PhD in ecological anthropology at the University of Michigan. He has written more than 40 widely acclaimed books on alternative medicine, cosmology, embryology, and consciousness, including Dreamtimes and Thoughtforms The Night Sky: Soul and Cosmos, and Bottoming Out the Universe.


Through the Sacred Planet collection, published under the umbrella of the Inner Traditions family of imprints, Grossinger continues his long-standing publishing talent for developing deep co-creative relationships with authors. His main psychospiritual practices have been dream interpretation, t’ai chi ch’uan, craniosacral therapy, and the Sethian system of psychic energy taught by John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher. Sacred Planet continues these themes while introducing diverse psychospiritual topics: synchronicity, 12-stranded DNA, geoengineered transhumanism, tarot, family constellations, herbalism, animal karma and reincarnation, the afterlife, runes, elemental energies, the etheric realm, Madonna mysteries, spirit marriage, 5-D ascension, breath alchemy, the extracellular matrix, and wetiko.
