
Guest Profile

Shirley Luark

I was born and raised in the small town of Cosmopolis, Washington. I was the third of four children and the only girl. I was born with well-developed psychic abilities but I had no one to help me understand why I experienced the world so differently from others. From the beginning, I could see the spirits of those on the other side of the veil. I have always been able to see, hear, feel, smell, and know things that others could not. I was deeply connected to nature and the spiritual realm from the beginning and I still am. I kept my abilities a secret for most of my childhood after feeling the discomfort others felt when I shared. Beginning in my junior high of high school, I began to spontaneously speak in other languages when I was in prayer or meditation or I was alone in nature. I also sang in those languages and experienced spiritual bliss and visions. I have always called it my "Spirit Song."  When I did sing in front of others, people would have very positive reactions. It was not until I was in my forties, that I became keenly aware of my own guides and I began to communicate more directly with them.  They explained to me that when I sing in my Spirit Song, they are songs of healing. I began to write with my guidance and my understanding of the Universe and life expanded.


I married at 20 and I had two children by the time I was 23. Marriage and children suited me.  It was a happy and productive time in my life but I was conflicted about my spiritual beliefs. I was raised Christian and I loved Jesus deeply but did not agree with much that the church taught. I eventually left the church and, over the years, developed my own spirituality. I guess if I had to name it, I would call it, Universal Spirituality. I believe the Divine is in all people and all things. I believe there is truth in all religions and spiritual philosophies. I respect other's beliefs and I eventually had no more inner conflict about my own. I believe we are all spiritual beings choosing to have a human experience. I believe in reincarnation and that we have multiple existences to experience everything. I believe there are Universal laws that apply to everyone equally. I believe that we are infinite and that creation is constantly being expanded. 


In my late thirties, I decided to go back to school.  I had an AA degree but I had stopped going to school with my first pregnancy. My original major was art, which changed to an education with a minor in art in my earlier years. By the time I returned to college, I had decided I wanted to be a mental health therapist. I had benefitted from therapy and I wanted to be able to help others the way I was once helped. I eventually obtained my Master's degree and became a licensed mental health therapist.  I have had a mental health practice since 1995. I eventually obtained my certificate for clinical hypnotherapy. I graduated with my Master's degree the same year that my son graduated from high school and moved from home. My daughter graduated the next year and she moved out on her own.  The following year, she blessed her dad and I with a beautiful grandson. My life was full and blessed.  However, with all the changes that my life brought, there were changes in my marriage and I went through a divorce in 2004. Following my divorce, I eventually moved to Los Angeles for one year and then to Reno, for nearly three years. During those years in Reno, I developed more of a spiritual practice and, in addition to spiritual counseling, I taught metaphysical classes and I had a guided meditation group. I had started some metaphysical classes prior to moving to California and doing meditation groups but they flourished when I was in Reno.  I made a meditation CD when I lived in Washington and created a second one when I lived in Los Angeles.


I returned to Washington in 2009 and took care of my mother for nine years.  I had very few clients for the first five years but in 2014, I began doing group therapy at The Northwest Indian Treatment Center.  Following my mother's death, I inherited the same house I was born and raised in and I have my mental health practice out of my home. I continue to provide services for the treatment center.  I have online clients and private clients that come to my office in my backyard. I provide both traditional mental health counseling and I also provide metaphysical teaching and spiritual counseling.  My work has increased to include more of my skills as a medium. My dream is to eventually be able to travel and teach seminars. 


I am a writer. I wrote for an online magazine in 2010 and I had an online radio show, for a time.  I wrote for a local monthly newspaper for ten years.  I am currently compiling my short stories and articles into a book. I am hoping to be published in the next few months. I am looking forward to new adventures and new opportunities to share with others what I have learned about life, love, healing, and the Divine in all people and all of creation.  


My astrological information is: Sun in Scorpio in the 5th house. Moon in Gemini in the 12th house.  Rising sign is Cancer. I have Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Cancer in the first house. My North Node is Capricorn in the 6th house. My South Node is in Cancer in the 12th house. 


My interests include astrology, the Cards of Your Destiny system, numerology, meditation, writing, singing, using CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help shift faulty beliefs, hypnotherapy, crystals and stones, animal guides, muscle-testing, dreams, and working with your intuition.

