
Guest Profile

Sonia Di Maulo

Sonia Di Maulo, MA, CRP, grounds emerging leaders and businesses in purpose and prosperity through her award-winning book and programs. She is Chief Reinvention Officer of Harvest Performance and co-founder of Reinvention Canada.

In addition to her 22+ years of experience as a Performance Improvement Consultant, she uses her Certified Reinvention Practitioner badge-of-honour to help even more emerging leaders ground themselves in today while planning a prosperous tomorrow. She focuses her thoughts, words and actions to activate her living legacy: ground 100,000 emerging leaders to discover, create, embrace, and breathe life into their living legacies by 2025. Join the next free Purpose Lab: https://bit.ly/PurposeLabMarch2022.

Sonia is fortunate to be able to lead graduate and undergraduate classes in both English-speaking universities in Montreal on various topics in Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Program Planning, Design and Evaluation, and Communication.

She is a proud mom of two teenage sons, enjoys family time, watching science fiction movies, and listening to and being inspired by Queen’s music and legacy.

Learn more about her at www.soniadimaulo.com.
