Ask Dr. Louise: Keep Falling UP!
4th Wednesdays 12:30pm PT / 3:30pm ET
Are you navigating the dilemmas that addiction, aging, and mental health issues present? Life is often a series of hiccups, and while you might get knocked out, you always have the opportunity to ‘Fall UP’! This show offers a fresh take on addiction and mental health! Ask Dr. Louise is impactful, inviting, insightful, often humorous, and always full of fresh ideas to help you and your loved ones!
All of us every day are at the precipice of a new moment. How you meet that moment, that joy, or that adversity will define you. Ask Dr. Louise wants you to know that you can do a deep dive into your own being and those you love with compassion, grace, and integrity!
This show is about living courageously! I want you to know that addictions and mental health issues are not a life sentence! There is always hope and strategic solutions. Building a blueprint of health and wellness is possible and I offer ways to cultivate resilience with resources and doable actions you can walk away with!
My guests are both experts and like you have weathered their own journeys. They are courageous, heroic, and demonstrate, like you, the ability to Keep Falling UP!
Dr. Louise Stanger
Ask Dr. Louise: Keep Falling UP!4th Wednesdays 12:30pm PT / 3:30pm ET Are you navigating the dilemmas that addiction, aging, and mental health issues present? Life is often...
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