Champion Your Life with Leighanne Champion
Champion Your Life with Leighanne Champion
You have one precious life, let's live it to the fullest! Let's do this!
Champion Your Life with Leighanne Champion is a show where listeners are empowered to jump headfirst into the rushing waters of their own personal development. Leighanne brings solid answers with tools and techniques that leave her audience thinking, "Why didn’t I start this journey earlier?” Her authenticity and basic down-to-earth style have given many people new hope and the ability to look at their life with fresh eyes.
Leighanne was called to channel her passion for inspiring others and her training as a Life and Leadership Coach into an accessible format. Champion Your Life is Leighanne’s gift to those who want to see themselves grow and are looking for a push in the right direction! Her desire is to be a force of encouragement in the lives of others and to share the knowledge that she has acquired in her own journey.
We spend so much money on our yearly gym memberships...but what about our emotional and personal fitness? Could there be anything more important? Leighanne’s favorite saying is “You have one precious life - Let’s live it to the fullest! Let’s do this!"
There is no better time than right now to take charge and become the Champion of your own life!
Tune into Champion Your Life with me Leighanne Champion. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 1PM pacific on Transformation Talk Radio.
Leighanne Champion
Champion Your Life with Leighanne Champion You have one precious life, let's live it to the fullest! Let's do this! Champion Your Life with Leighanne Champion is a show w...
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