Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency with Katherine Arati Maas

Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency with Katherine Arati Maas

Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency with Katherine Arati Maas -
Tuesdays 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern

Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency with Katherine Arati Maas is a hit show that brings a real and dynamic message to uncovering and beholding the truly amazing being that you already are.

Coming Clean Radio is a resource for all women in recovery and the end of covering up, pretending, and lying to yourself. This is the Art of Transparency and an invitation to reveal all that you are.

When I finally got sober in 2012, I made a promise to myself that I would no longer lie to myself, pretend to be someone I was not, nor would I be ashamed of who I really was. I want to be truly seen and I invite you to do the same.

To live on purpose through the art of transparency empowers you to cut through years of fear, shame, guilt, not feeling like you are enough and helps us realize we ARE good enough and we are indeed capable of creating the fulfilling lives we want.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you are on your journey or how you choose to recover. We as women in recovery need to come together and support one another. The time is now.

By taking things slowly, breaking moments down and living for this day, we can accelerate our internal shift, our unveiling and become the divine beings that we truly are.

Coming clean is accepting reality the way it is, even if , at first, you don’t like what you see. Its the end of denial and the beginning of self acceptance. Are you ready to live on purpose and come clean with yourself?


Katherine Arati Maas

Katherine Arati Maas

Coming Clean Radio: The Art of Transparency   Coming Clean Radio is a resource for all women in recovery.   Its the end of covering up, pretending, and lying...

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