Masters of Reinvention with Angela Watson Robertson - Your Ultimate Guide to Changing Your Life
Masters of Reinvention with Angela Watson Robertson, MBA, CIHC, INHC is the only show on the radio to bring together top transformation experts who will show you how to positively change your life along with expertly researched nutrition and lifestyle advice. Once a month, Angela, America’s Reinvention Warrior, talks to the best in the personal transformation business and discovers their tips and tools for positive change. This show is your ultimate guide to becoming a Reinvention Warrior and transforming all areas of your life- from health, career and money to relationships, spirituality, and sex. Plus, Angela shows you how to fuel your transformation using her exceptional nutritional and mindfulness expertise along with her profound understanding of how to recreate your life. Bring your warrior mentality and mark your calendar for this once-a-month life makeover event.
Angela Watson Robertson
Masters of Reinvention with Angela Watson Robertson, MBA, CIHC, INHC is the only show on the radio to bring together top transformation experts who will show you how to posi...
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