Nailed It Radio with Keri Nail: Find Your Simplicity Within Your Complexity
Are you a woman experiencing life transitions and who wants to be recognized for your whole potential? This show will reveal to you what it means to use your full power to be the best version of yourself.
Life is complex which can lead to feeling stuck and paralyzed when we are not in tune with our core self. Coming into our power means understanding who we truly are, why we do what we do. Can you imagine stepping into the energy of saying yes to yourself and knowing you Nailed It?
You are in the driver’s seat of your life. Life Coach Keri Nail will share tips and stories on what it means to become whole, to integrate into your true self, and reframe your story in any given situation.
In this show, you learn how to become the driver of your own story, just as Keri did for herself. When we learn to have a positive relationship with ourselves, we transform our relationship with the world. When you begin taking simple action steps and creating forward movement in your life, you’ve already Nailed It!
Keri Nail
Nailed It Radio with Keri Nail: Find Your Simplicity Within Your Complexity Are you a woman experiencing life transitions and who wants to be recognized for your whole pote...
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