Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Don't Be My Mom!

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Don't Be My Mom!

  06/15/2021  09:00 am PDT

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Don't Be My Mom!Did you know that 30 percent of people who fall and break a hip will die within 6 months of the fall?  What's more,  statistics share that 53 percent will experience another fall within 6 months of the first.  Hip fractures  are one of the main reason people end up in nursing homes.  Shocking but true!!


Sadly Roxanne's mom fit into this category and became a statistic; she fell and broke her hip in January of 2018 and passed away in August of that year...a mere 7-month span.


Join this sobering yet 'light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel' episode as Roxanne shares actions she took based upon her strong awareness of the prevalence of falls, especially in those 65+, coupled with her deacades-long teaching of Qigong and Tai Chi to the Parkinson's Disease community.  One such action was to write 'A Senior's Guide to Fall Prevention,' a simple guide to help empower seniors and those with debilitating health issues, focusing on self-care.  As she  shares easily implementable key practices, you'll discover that this guide for fall prevention is actually a recipe for life=-long wellbeing for all ages, especially seniors.

Episode giveaways:

  • Email Roxanne for a 30-min personalized 1:1 Qigong session with her
  • Visit her website stopfallsez.com to receive her Lifestyle Tip sheet


Joan Marlow host on transformation talk radio

Joan Marlow

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose Hi everybody, welcome to Awareness to Action. This show is about positivity and believi...

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 Roxanne Reynolds

Roxanne Reynolds

As a wellness advocate for seniors focusing on the benefits of self-care, Roxanne Reynolds has enjoyed 20+ years teaching Qigong and TaiChi.  Along with teaching the mo...

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