Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day: Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach (Stop asking it to give you advice if you want to be happy.)

Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day: Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach (Stop asking it to give you advice if you want to be happy.)

  08/17/2021  11:00 am PDT

Coffee with the Universe with Lore Goldstein: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day: Your Mind Is A Lousy Coach (Stop asking it to give you advice if you want to be happy.) 

The mind is an amazing tool if you are using it in the “right” way. But what happens is we tend to use it for purposes that it's not really designed for such as solving our life problems or trying to predict the future. It's like wanting a fresh cup of coffee but instead of using a French Press, you are trying to use a spaghetti strainer. Wrong tool for the job. You simply won't get the quality results you desire.

In episode 12 of Coffee with the Universe, I will be talking about how the tendency is to use the mind as a personal coach, what that looks like (because we do it automatically), and how this is a very bad idea if you are seeking happiness and inner-peace. Come learn where to look for the answers you seek while making good (and accurate) use of your mind.





Lore Goldstein host on transformation talk radio

Lore Goldstein, LMHC, M.Ed., M.S.

Coffee with the Universe: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day with Lore Goldstein How do you start your day? Are you focused, energized, and tuned in to your h...

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