Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life: Who's Managing Who?

Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life: Who's Managing Who?

  05/13/2024  10:00 am PDT

Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life: Who's Managing Who? Many of us spend a lot of time managing things like our time, our money, our emotions, and our ever-loving to-do lists. In the face of all this managing, have you ever felt overwhelmed or exhausted? Or that instead of managing these things, they might be managing you?  In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll explore how we can bring awareness to the ways in which we manage our lives to see if there is room for new opportunities in the way we think and act that can bring us less stress and more ease.

Watch https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/watch.html 


Kari Knutson host on Transformation Talk Radio

Kari Knutson M.A.

Get Big Out Loud with KariLiving the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of LifeEvery 2nd Monday at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT   Welcome to Get Big Out Loud Radio: Where we ...

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dr pat baccili host of the dr pat show and transformation talk radio network

Dr. Pat Baccili

Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...

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