Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford Mills: Living it Up ~ Loving it Up ~ Letting it Go!: What’s Your Why: Uncovering your Passion & Purpose!
03/28/2019 09:00 am PST
Why are we here? What is our purpose in life? It would have been nice to have this tattooed on our body when we were born so we would instantly know. It is not always easy or we may be masking what we were truly intended to do.
But knowing your 'why' and uncovering your passion and purpose can have an amazing impact on your life. Studies have shown that having a sense of purpose makes you more resilient, supports you in reaching your life goals, and contributes to a longer, happier, and healthier life.
That alone makes knowing your why important! Join Erica Gifford Mills as she provides guidance on how to understand your why and live your passion and purpose on this episode of Get Rooted Radio - Living It Up, Loving It Up, Letting It Go!
Erica Gifford Mills
Get Rooted Radio with Erica Gifford MillsEvery 1st & 3rd Monday - 2pm pt / 4pm ct / 5pm et Are you ready to branch out? To take a leap of faith? To love yourself and ot...
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