Peaceful Wellness with Deb: Preparing for the Winter Ahead: Navigating Life's Seasons with Intention

Peaceful Wellness with Deb: Preparing for the Winter Ahead: Navigating Life's Seasons with Intention

  10/20/2023  06:00 pm PDT

Peaceful Wellness with Deb: Preparing for the Winter Ahead: Navigating Life's Seasons with IntentionAs the autumn leaves give way to winter's frost, our final episode for October equips you with the tools to prepare for the colder months in a mindful, intentional way. This enriching episode includes a powerful guided meditation aimed at helping you embrace winter's stillness from within. From the wisdom of setting intentions for the winter months to the transformative power of embracing stillness, this episode is a heartfelt guide to thriving during life's inevitable cycles of change. Through deeply personal stories and impactful activities, we explore how to nourish the spirit, whether it's celebrating the memory of a loved one or simply savoring the quiet of winter nights. Tune in to cultivate a season of fulfillment and warmth, both inside and out.


Get this week's free workbook to go with the episode by going to peacefulwellnesspodcast.com. Join Deb's Peaceful Journey to Wellness Facebook Group at debphelps.com/facebookgroup to meet with other travelers on the journey.


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Deb Phelps

Deb Phelps

Peaceful Wellness with Deb Saturdays 11am PT / 2pm ET Discover your inner self with Deb Phelps, your guide to self-discovery, self-love, and inner tranquility. Having navi...

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