The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!: 4 Things You Can Use to Eliminate Limitation for Good & Transform Your Life with Co-host Dr. Glenna Rice & Guest Dr. Gardella
10/20/2015 11:00 am PDT
Find out more about the Access Consciousness Workshop "5 Days to Change Your Life" that includes The Bars, Foundation and Level One with facilitators Dr. Glenna Rice and Dr. Andrew Gardella
Dr. Pat Baccili
Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...
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Dr. Glenna Rice
Did anyone teach you to be a parent? What if there were tools that could make your job a whole lot easier? Dr. Glenna Rice invites you to be the questionable parent you trul...
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Dr. Glenna Rice
If you would like more ease in parenting...Glenna is a radically different wealth of possibilityGlenna Rice, MPT The Questionable Parent is a single mother of three, 8, 13 ...
Find out more »Dr. Andrew Gardella
Dr. Andrew graduated from Case Western Reserve University Magna Cum Lade with degrees in Biology, Psychology, and Cognitive Science. He graduated from Palmer College of Chir...
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