The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Burnout Recovery Starts Here: Episode 51 - Let Your No be No with Guest Megan Armstrong
08/30/2022 03:00 am PDT
In Episode 51, Megan Armstrong joins us to talk about how she’s recovered from burnout and reinvented her lifestyle to prevent it from happening again! As a recovering people pleaser, Megan shares the importance of setting boundaries and being resolute to stand steadfast through them. Determining what is best for her, she made new friends and changed her lifestyle. And she mastered a wonderful word “no”, which she began to use liberally to not do the things that created stress and caused burnout. Thus choosing the best things for her life that created margin for rest and living life to the fullest!
Stuck in perpetual victim mode, Megan thought that life happened to her. She lived her life for her family and friends, needing to be needed, dropping everything at a moment's notice for them. The result was feeling a lot of regret, burnout and wishing she could live life the way that everyone else got to live life.
After awakening Megan realized that everything in life was because of her early childhood subconscious programming. She learned that love looked like pleasing people, fixing others, physical illness and giving all of me. The result: Megan didn’t know who she was or how to love herself. The work has been to (re)discover herself, live consciously, redefine her definition of love, and create a fulfilling life.
Our Recovery Moment in this show is focused on walking meditation to be more aware and present.
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Dr. Kate Steiner
The From Burnout to Recovery Show with Dr. Kate: Your Journey to Recovery Burnout Starts Here Let’s start a journey together, are you struggling with fe...
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Megan Armstrong
Stuck in perpetual victim mode, Megan thought that life happened to her. She lived her life for her family and friends, needing to be needed, dropping everything at a moment...
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