
Host Profile

Mariangela Maguire Ph.D.

Nothing But Now ~ Mindful Living with Dr. Mariangela Maguire
Welcome to Nothing But Now ~ Mindful Living where we work together to create a NOW mindset. We've all heard the advice. Don't dwell on the past. Don't worry about the future. Live in the present. It sure sounds simple, but the truth is, it's not. While we know that the present moment is the only one guarantee to us, that's not enough to stop the thoughts that get in our way and cause stress, constant worry and judgment, and criticism. Join Dr. Mariangela Maguire each week and through Nothing ... Read more

Nothing But Now ~ Mindful Living with Dr. Mariangela Maguire
Welcome to Nothing But Now ~ Mindful Living where we work together to create a NOW mindset. We've all heard the advice. Don't dwell on the past. Don't worry about the future. Live in the present. It sure sounds simple, but the truth is, it's not. While we know that the present moment is the only one guarantee to us, that's not enough to stop the thoughts that get in our way and cause stress, constant worry and judgment, and criticism. Join Dr. Mariangela Maguire each week and through Nothing But Now she will share ideas, insights, and tools you can use to release yourself from fearful and negative thinking and live from a place of clarity and confidence.

About Mariangela -
If your inner dialogue is a continuous stream of self-doubt and self-criticism we need to talk.

You want to succeed in your career, be fully present to your family, and stay aware and engaged with your community and the larger world. You’re running as fast as you can and yet there’s a voice in your head telling you it’s not enough, you are not enough, you must do better. Despite its relentless negativity, you might actually believe that without that nagging, doubting, judging voice you’d be a failure. The truth is your spirit will eventually be crushed by that voice because its sole purpose is to make you question yourself and no amount of success will silence it.

The purpose of Nothing But Now is to identify the key beliefs that block progress to a rewarding life, develop practices that increase calmness, clarity, and self-acceptance, and learn how to maintain a level of self-awareness that allows us to accept change and make decisions from a place of confidence and not fear.

I truly believe you can alter the way you see your life and the way you live your life by examining and changing the way you talk to yourself.

Teacher, mentor, and coach are the roles I’ve most often played in my professional life. Listening, clarifying, and encouraging best describe my methods. I provide one-on-one coaching where I listen deeply, offer clear observations, and provide new perspectives. After earning a Ph.D. in communication studies I taught courses in interpersonal communication, group decision-making, and communication and gender for over 20 years at the college level. As a higher education leader, I worked with both individuals and groups to support them in identifying and fulfilling their goals. I’m a certified life coach and trained mediator. I am devoted to helping individuals and groups release themselves from fearful and negative thinking and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

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  • I was lost in my thoughts and emotions about my issue and I couldn’t find any clarity. I needed to find someone trustworthy who could help me sort through what was going on. Working with a coach felt like a commitment to my well being within a focused time period. Mariangela has an amazing capacity to listen deeply to what I’m saying and ask great questions that provide that moment of new awareness or new perspective. She helped me see my issue in a different way and got me out of the squirrel cage of my mind.
    Linda, 60 international education leader, Minneapolis

  • Mariangela taught me how to have compassion for myself and how to communicate with once unreachable parts of myself. I would often enter our sessions with my mind swirling with a hurricane of thoughts and emotions, but inevitably I would leave with an inner peace I didn’t think was possible. Through our work together, I learned how to go through this process on my own and find calm in accepting myself, and those around me. I am forever grateful to Mariangela’s guidance and patience.
    Samantha, 32, attorney, Detroit

  • Mariangela is an excellent listener, but not simply to affirm my perspectives, but to challenge me in my thinking and doing. Her careful questioning and comments helped me to move through whatever issue I was working on in a way that was both affirming and challenging.
    Cindy, 50, higher education leader, Indianapolis

  • I was lost in my thoughts and emotions about my issue and I couldn’t find any clarity. I needed to find someone trustworthy who could help me sort through what was going on. Working with a coach felt like a commitment to my well being within a focused time period. Mariangela has an amazing capacity to listen deeply to what I’m saying and ask great questions that provide that moment of new awareness or new perspective. She helped me see my issue in a different way and got me out of the squirrel cage of my mind.
    Linda, 60 international education leader, Minneapolis

  • Mariangela taught me how to have compassion for myself and how to communicate with once unreachable parts of myself. I would often enter our sessions with my mind swirling with a hurricane of thoughts and emotions, but inevitably I would leave with an inner peace I didn’t think was possible. Through our work together, I learned how to go through this process on my own and find calm in accepting myself, and those around me. I am forever grateful to Mariangela’s guidance and patience.
    Samantha, 32, attorney, Detroit

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