Vibrant Voices with Christine Vibrant: nourishing naturally healthy living: Make friends with the voices inside your head with the SING Method.

Vibrant Voices with Christine Vibrant: nourishing naturally healthy living: Make friends with the voices inside your head with the SING Method.

  05/25/2023  08:00 am PDT

EntrepreneurVibrant Voices bring lasting and loving change they want to see in the world. What about the vitriolic voices in our heads, the ones judging you and others with viciousness, the ones getting in the way of your goals and dreams? Coach Christine uses the S.I.N.G. Method to make friends with those voices and get them on your A Team - Action Takers!


Watch https://www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/live_videos/

Episode giveaways:

  • S.I.N.G. Method INTENSIVE 90 minute session, with a 50% discount off the program when you sign up! Follow Christine Vibrant on Twitter, FB, IG or TikTok and write SING in the DMs. Winner announced May 31st, 2023.


Christine Vibrant - Waking Hope Host

Christine Vibrant

Vibrant Voices with Christine Vibrant: nourishing naturally healthy living Feeling overwhelmed by life and underwhelmed by your prospects, unheard and unappreciated? Welcom...

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